Life + Career Osteopathic Research Research Funding Research Funding FAQs

Research Funding FAQs

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Answers to your questions about the AOA's research grant program

Learn how to navigate the application process and make a lasting contribution to the field of osteopathic research.

The AOA provides grant funding to DOs, osteopathic medical students, and PhD researchers conducting studies that address areas of study identified by the AOA Bureau of Osteopathic Research and Public Health and approved by the Board of Trustees. Read on for answers to frequently asked questions regarding the AOA’s Research Grant Program.

Please note: The AOA no longer funds basic science research projects. AOA-funded research will address the tenets of osteopathic medicine and advance the distinctiveness of the osteopathic profession through patient-focused research projects.

Results of funded research studies will be submitted in manuscript format for publication to the Journal of Osteopathic Medicine (JOM), the official scientific publication of the AOA. Funding recipients are required to give the JOM first right of refusal on research findings generated via the grant.

Select a question below:

When is the project start date?

The start date for all grant projects is Sept. 1.

Can Principal Investigators (PIs) with an existing AOA grant apply for another grant or would they be barred from applying for another grant until their existing grant project is completed?

An investigator with an active AOA grant who is in the first year of his/her existing grant period is ineligible to apply. A previous or current AOA investigator who has failed to meet milestones and/or submit timely progress and financial reports is ineligible to apply.

Can I access a previously declined grant application?

No, you will need to submit a new application.

Is there a projected total number of awards anticipated or an anticipated number of awards for each RFA?

At this time, we have not projected a total number of awards or a total number per RFA. We do anticipate receiving at least the same amount as we did in the last grant cycle.

Is an investigator limited to serving as a PI on only one application (RFA) per grant cycle?

No, investigators can be a PI on only one application (RFA) per grant cycle. However, they may serve as the co-investigator on multiple grant proposals.

What are the project's allowable expenses?

Please review the RFA and the Budget Instructions document to learn what the AOA will and will not fund.  Use the following link to access the “Grants Checklist and Instructions” document.

What are the organization’s or institution's responsibilities?

This information can be found in the General Guidelines. These guidelines are updated periodically, so it is highly recommended that they are regularly reviewed. Use the following link to access the “Grants Checklist and Instructions” document.

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