Life + Career Wellness Toolkit

Wellness Toolkit

Wellness Rx

Tools to help physicians & medical students maintain a healthy body, mind & spirit

You've dedicated your life's work to helping patients, but focusing on your own physical and mental well-being is just as important.

Whether you’re a medical student, a retired physician or somewhere in between, you’ve likely experienced moments when you’ve felt overwhelmed trying to balance the demands of your life and career. The AOA is committed to helping support the wellness all osteopathic physicians and medical students from the first days of medical school through retirement. The following Wellness Toolkit resources were developed by DOs and osteopathic medical students serving on the AOA’s Bureau of Osteopathic Research & Public Health to help you start on a path toward a healthier mind, body and spirit.

Build & maintain wellness throughout your career

Learn how to make improvements in your emotional, financial, social, spiritual, occupational, physical, intellectual and environmental health.

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Recognize the signs of physician & medical student burnout

Burnout, which often begins in medical school, can deepen into depression if left untreated. Learn how to recognize the signs early on.

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Identify the warning signs of depression & suicidal ideation

Identifying the problem is the first step toward prevention and recovery. Learn how to recognize signs of depression and suicidal ideation.

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Wellness lifelines for physicians & medical students

Whether you’re in crisis, or just beginning to struggle with burnout or depression, seeking help and support is the first step toward recovery.

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Note: As a membership organization, the AOA cannot provide medical advice or practitioner referrals.  If you need medical advice, please consult your healthcare provider. Resources on this page are provided for informational purposes only. The list is not comprehensive and does not constitute an endorsement by the AOA.

Did you know? AOA members receive a $40 discount off the annual subscription cost of the Calm app, which offers guided meditations, breathing exercises, sleep stories and more to help you alleviate stress and improve sleep. Sign up today for a $29.99 annual subscription (regular cost: $69.99).

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