
Category: AOA


Submit your MGMA survey data by Feb. 16

Unlock access to benchmark data that will provide valuable insights into physician and staff compensation, practice costs and operations. The AOA is collaborating with the Medical Group Management Survey Association (MGMA) to collect data from members of the osteopathic medical profession. In addition to contributing toward thousands of metrics and benchmarks used widely across the health … Read More

AOA Staff



2024 Call for Research Applications for AOA Funding

The AOA is pleased to announce that the 2024 research grant application cycle is now open. Research funding is available to DO, MD and PhD researchers conducting studies that address one of four research focus areas (RFAs) in three overall areas of focus approved by the AOA Board of Trustees: Osteopathic manipulative medicine and osteopathic manipulative … Read More

AOA Staff



AOA responds to “The View” regarding misleading comments

As the representative body for the nation’s 186,000+ osteopathic physicians and medical students, the AOA works continuously to combat misinformation about osteopathic medicine in the media. AOA leadership recently learned of some misleading comments regarding the DO credentials that were made during the Monday, Nov. 27 episode of “The View.” While discussing a report on … Read More

AOA Leadership



How DOs can assist humanitarian efforts in the Middle East

The American Osteopathic Association (AOA) maintains its outrage at the atrocities committed in the Israeli – Palestinian conflict. I continue to be personally appalled at the violence affecting so many innocent people. The osteopathic profession has always proudly championed the value placed on human life and has embraced the belief that all aspects of an … Read More

AOA Staff



AOA Statement on Supreme Court Decision to Overturn Affirmative Action

Statement attributable to AOA President Ernest Gelb, DO, and Interim CEO, Kathleen S. Creason, MBA: The American Osteopathic Association (AOA), representing over 178,000 osteopathic physicians and medical students, is disappointed in the recent decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to restrict medical schools from considering race and ethnicity as a factor for admission. Diversity in … Read More

AOA Staff


AOA, News Releases

Record-breaking NRMP Match produces 7,132 new DO residents

CHICAGO—March 17, 2023—Breaking records from all previous matches, the 2023 National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) matched 7,132 osteopathic medical students and past DO graduates into postgraduate year 1 (PGY1) residency positions. Reaching another all-time high, 91.6% of the 7,436 participating DO students matched into residency programs in 37 specialties. Overall, the number of osteopathic fourth-year … Read More

AOA Staff



AOA statement on Michigan State University shooting

Statement attributable to AOA President Ernest R. Gelb, DO, and AOA Interim CEO Kathleen S. Creason:  The American Osteopathic Association extends our deepest sympathies to the victims, students, faculty and families affected by the mass shooting that occurred this week on the campus of Michigan State University, which is home to the Michigan State University … Read More

AOA Staff



‘Operation Nightingale’ fraud scheme alert: Bogus nursing credentials sold to thousands of aspiring nurses

On January 25th, the U.S. Department of Justice announced the discovery of a scheme (nicknamed “Operation Nightingale”) that allowed aspiring nurses to buy fraudulent nursing degree diplomas and transcripts from three Florida-based schools that allowed them to sit for the national nursing board examination and, in some cases, obtain state licenses. More than 7,600 counterfeit diplomas … Read More

AOA Staff



Bureau of Emerging Leaders DO Day Scholarship applications due Jan. 31

The AOA is now accepting applications for the Bureau of Emerging Leaders (BEL) DO Day Scholarship, which provides opportunities for osteopathic residents, fellows and new physicians in practice to attend DO Day on Capitol Hill, set for April 15-16 (virtual) and April 19-20 (in-person), 2023. The ideal scholarship candidate will be interested in advocacy engagement … Read More

AOA Staff
